Thursday, April 8, 2010


hi there!! its me jeck. I'm suppose to scribe yesterday but I totally forget it even Ms. K reminds about it. I'm sorry about that and my apologies to my grammars.

Anyway, yesterday Ms. K shows as how catalyst work on the solution. Catalyst define as something that initiates or causes an important event to happen. Originally a term used in chemistry for the volatile (active) chemical in a formula. ( In simple explanation it speeds up the reaction of the two aqueous solutions. As I said earlier Ms. k shows us how it works in the solution. Well it really works but there was a little problem happen. The point is catalyst really works on the solution.
Yesterday we did our lab too, the part 3 and also we answer the questions in the lab sheet.

Sorry guys but I'm really bad at this thing (blogging). I work till 11:30 so I totally forgot about it.

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